Career Technical Education programs hold biannual advisory meetings that are comprised of program stakeholders in the community and at the college. Advisory members provide critical input to the program about changing workforce requirements, which are incorporated into curriculum updates. It is also an opportunity to report out on program goals and developments in the academic climate that affect the program.
First Name | Last Name | Title | Organization |
Suzie | Ama | Faculty Member | Cerro Coso Community College |
Deanna | Campbell | Director, ESCC | Cerro Coso Community College |
Lawrence | Cosner | Medical Director | Ridgecrest Regional Hospital |
Joe | Cota | System Administrator | New Directions Technologies, Inc. |
Matthew | Denny | Web Developer | Naval Air Warfare Center |
Julie | Faber | Owner, Mountain Studio | Bishop Chamber of Commerce |
Arnulfo | Gonzalez | Adjuct Faculty Member | Cerro Coso Community College |
Nicole | Griffin | Dean, Career Technical Education | Cerro Coso Community College |
Sandi | Harageones | Adjunct Faculty Member | Cerro Coso Community College |
April | Hayman | Instructional Design Consultant | Self-employed |
Matt | Hightower | Faculty Member | Cerro Coso Community College |
Ray | Hocker | Faculty Member/Videographer | Naval Air Warfare Center |
Gina | Jones | Director | Owens Valley Career Development Center |
Valerie | Karnes | Faculty Chair, Business and IT | Cerro Coso Community College |
Rene | Mora | Counselor | Cerro Coso Community College |
Ida | Perkins | Executive Director | Tehachapi Chamber of Commerce |
Jeff | Simpson | Manager | Mono County Tourism and Economic Devel |
Tim | Smith | Executive Director | Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce |
Michelle | Stallings | Adjuct Faculty Member | Cerro Coso Community College |
Bamberger | Susan | Senior Manager | General Dynamics Information Technology |
Vickie | Taton | Adjunct Faculty Member | Cerro Coso Community College |
Tawni | Thomson | Executive Director | Bishop Chamber of Commerce |
Frank | Timpone | Faculty Member | Cerro Coso Community College |
Jabez | Vejendla | Software Engineer | New Directions Technologies, Inc. |
Djuna | Withers | Data Center Process Manager | General Dynamics Information Technology |