Web Professional Associate Degree

The Web Professional Associate of Science Degree is designed to prepare students for employment or self-employment as web designers or developers, emphasizing standards-based coding, usability, accessibility, and creative problem solving. Adding to this foundation, students choose one of two options: design or development. With the former, students acquire multimedia design skills, and with the latter they acquire web programming skills. Students obtain skills in Adobe applications, as well as open-source products. Students develop realistic expectations about work conditions through individual and collaborative work-based projects and by learning in the same technological environment in which they will eventually work. The web development option is also designed to equip students for Certified Internet Web Professional certifications, including the Web Foundations Associate Series and the Web Design Specialist certifications.

This degree is not specifically designed for transfer. Courses required for the Associate degree major at Cerro Coso Community College may not be the same as those required for a major at a four-year school. If you do plan to transfer, consult a counselor and visit w w w.assist.org to identify the courses needed for the major at your transfer school and to develop a plan that will best meet your goals.

Students must complete a minimum of 60 units, including the courses listed in the major and general education requirements, with an overall GPA of 2.0 or better, and a grade of “A,” “B,” or “C,” in all courses for the major. A minimum of 12 units must be completed at Cerro Coso Community College.

P/NP grading may not be used for courses in a student’s major field.

Career Opportunities

Web Site Designer, Web Site Developer, Content Management System Developer, Content Management Theme Designer, Web Database Developer, Mobile Web Developer, eCommerce Developer, Search Engine Optimization Consultant

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to

  • Identify concepts of Internet technology, networking, databases, and electronic communications.
  • Demonstrate technical and creative mastery of the creation of Web media, such as graphics, motion graphics, and interactive
  • Use valid markup, cascading style sheets, semantic encoding, accessibility compliance, and error-free scripting in the creation of
    Web content.
  • Apply design principles to solve visual communication problems.
  • Demonstrate life long learning skills in effective collaboration, leadership, written communication, management, and information
    search and retrieval.

Core Requirements (complete all of the following) (16 units)

Course Title Advisory Requisites Units
IT C101 Introduction to Computer Information Systems ENGL C070 3
DMA C102 Digital Imaging with Photoshop BSOT C075, ENGL C101 3
DMA C111 Fundamentals of Web Development
BSOT C075, ENGL C101 3
DMA C113 Accessibility and UX Design
DMA C111 4
DMA C280 Web Production Management DMA C111 3

Options (complete one of the following) (12 units)

Option 1: Design
Course Title Advisory Requisites Units
DMA C107 Computer Illustration BSOT C075, ENGL C101 3.0
DMA C117 Web Design with Dreamweaver DMA C102, DMA C111 3.0
DMA C131 Digital Video Production DMA C102, ENGL C101 3.0
DMA C201 e-Commerce and Social Media Marketing
BSOT C075, ENGL C101 3.0
Option 2: Development
Course Title Advisory Requisites Units
DMA C119 Advanced Web Development Advisory: DMA C111, DMA C211 3.0
DMA C211 Web Scripting with Javascript DMA C111, MATH C050 3.0
DMA C213 Web Development with PHP and MySQL DMA C211 3.0
IT C251 Introduction to Programming Concepts and Methodologies IT C101 3.0

Please see the current Cerro Coso Community College Catalog for General Education options.

Program Prerequisites

Computer Competency

Upon entering the program, you should be strong in the following skills:

  1. Perform computer start up and shut down procedures correctly.
  2. Use computer input and output devices, such as the keyboard, mouse, stylus, trackball, or printer with proficiency.
  3. Access and manage login accounts and documents effectively. This includes downloading, creating, naming, retrieving, and decompressing files and folders with an awareness of file size, location of saved files and folders, and available space on storage media and a clear distinction between various campus, email, and course login accounts.
  4. Perform editing tasks, such as copying, cutting, and pasting of content and applying spell checking.
  5. Send an outgoing e-mail with an attachment, and open an incoming e-mail and its attachment.
  6. Search and navigate the Internet and other types of media and environments easily.
  7. Be aware of the need to evaluate Internet content for relevance, authenticity, authority, and currency.

If you are not comfortable completing the above tasks, you should complete BSOT C075 Computer Literacy before taking any digital media arts courses.

Reading and Writing

You should also have college-level reading and writing skills including

  1. Comprehend central points of a variety of text sources.
  2. Write short essays without major grammar and spelling errors.

*DMA C113 fulfill Cerro Coso’s Diversity General Education Requirement.