Are you a new student?
The Cerro Coso Community College Admissions page explains how to get started. In the linked page, only steps 1, 8, 9, and 10 are necessary to start taking classes. But the other steps are highly beneficial–especially developing an education plan with a counselor. Counselors can meet with online students on the phone.
If you would like to transfer credits to Cerro Coso from another institution, the linked page provides instructions for doing so.
After you apply and if you are a returning student…
After you have gone through the admissions process, you are ready to enroll. The Cerro Coso Community College How to Register page explains what to do.
How much does it cost?
See our Costs page for estimates of costs to complete the Associate Degree or Certificates. And please see the Cerro Coso Community College Tuition and Fees page for additional information.
Prepare for success
We also have tips for class preparation to help you assess your readiness for online learning and plan for good study habits once classes begin.
Please contact us if you need any assistance.